Server Troubleshooting

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Here's some common and not so common messages and how to solve them

WARNING |PktHandler | |detected incorrectly running system clock

This happens when the system time differs greatly over a small time span, i.e. after a second the system time has jumped forward or backwards by more than 10 seconds.

  • nix servers : install a system to keep the system time correct, on Debian, RedHat and their derivatives the package is called "ntp".

Example install for RedHat/Centos :

   yum install ntp
   systemctl enable ntpd

Make sure the service is running afterwards :

   systemctl status ntpd

Ubuntu/Debian example :

   apt install ntp
   systemctl enable ntp

Make sure the service is running afterwards :

   systemctl status ntp

If you still get the message regularly you probably need to add the following line anywhere in /etc/ntp.conf

   tinker step 0

Windows servers : make sure the system time is correct.

ERROR |DatabaseQuery | |db_exec failed attempt to write a readonly database ERROR |DatabaseQuery | |db_exec() update clients set client_lastconnected=, client_totalconnec error: attempt to write a readonly database CRITICAL|DatabaseQuery | |Assertion "error == ERROR_ok" failed at ../../../../s/deps/teamspeak_server_lib/src/ts_server/database/db_database.cpp:130;

Either you don't have write access to the database file or your database file has been corrupted and needs to be recovered. If your database regularly corrupts itself consider testing your disk drive for failures. Using MySQL as a database backend will also solve the problem but would be unsuitable for small server instances.

TS3ANetwork::ResolveHostName failed error: -2 (Name or service not known) 0

Your DNS server is not getting correct results for the TeamSpeak Licensing Servers , try setting up an alternative DNS resolving service such as OpenDNS, NextDNS, or Google DNS.

TS3ANetwork::Connect failed error: 101

You probably have a firewall blocking TCP port 2008, or the TeamSpeak licensing servers are down.

Can't connect to my TeamSpeak server

You probably have a firewall blocking UDP port 9987.

File Manager isn't working properly / ERROR |FileManager | | bind() failed: 99 / FileManager | |bind failed on

You probably have a firewall blocking TCP port 30033 or another program is using the port. Linus/BSD users can use

   lsof -i:30033

to see which process has the port open.

My server isn't appearing on the web list

You probably have a firewall blocking UDP ports 2011:2110.

Server Query isn't connecting

You probably have a firewall blocking TCP port 10011.

TS3DNS isn't working properly

You probably have a firewall blocking TCP port 41144.

Accounting | | virtual server id 1 is running elsewhere, shutting down!

Your license is being used somewhere else at the same time, possibly on the same or a different server, shut down your other server and restart the one you wish to use.

ServerLibPriv | |Server() error while starting servermanager, error: unable to bind network port

Another program or and old TS3 server instance is currently occupying the TS3 port, find the other program or terminate the other running TS3 server.

error reading tcp socket Connection reset by peer

This usually happens when a user times out and can usually be ignored.